My wife posted 100 things about herself in her blog. She has inspired a few people to do it, and they have all enjoyed it. I decided to give it a shot. It is harder than it looks, but just as rewarding.
1) I am a peacemaker.
2) I always want to invite people over to our house.
3) My right arm is a little crooked. I broke it when I was 15.
4) I love playing basketball. I regularly wake up at 5:30 a.m. to get in an hour or two of playing before I start my day.
5) I love super hero movies like X-Men, Superman and Batman.
6) My wife has to constantly remind me that the characters in number five are not real.
7) I polish the entire sink every time that I use it for shaving.
8) I can't stand wearing flip flops.
9) I met my wife on the first day of high school. We even went to Junior Prom together.
10) I LOVE disco music. It is impossible to listen to it for more than 10 minutes and still be in a bad mood.
11) I can't eat brownies or chocolate cake without a glass of milk.
12) I Saw X-Men eight times in the first nine days that it was in the theatres. (I was 16. Cut me some slack.)
13) I served a 2 year LDS mission in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.
14) I am the eighth of nine kids and the seventh of seven boys.
15) My favorite way to travel is on a cruise ship.
16) I once read all seven books of The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis in seven days.
17) My favorite candy is Peanut M&M's, but my favorite type of candy is anything chewy. Figure that one out...
18) If I could get any job in the world, I would be Jerry Sloan...or Michael Buble
19) I talk in my sleep.
20) My favorite author is John Grisham.
21) I think eating popcorn, while watching a movie, seriously makes the movie better.
22) When I was younger, I was the worst sore loser that ever lived. I no longer get upset about it, but I still hate losing.
23) I am a yellow personality.
24) My favorite color is orange. It goes well with just about any other color.
25) One of my favorite things to do is rifle through the five dollar movie bin at Wal-Mart. The further to the bottom of the barrel that you get, the better the movies are. Most people don't have the patience, or have too much self respect, to dig all the way to the bottom.
26) I believe in the power of positive thoughts and energy.
27) I think my biggest fear in life is being rejected.
28) I wish that I had learned how to play the piano while I was younger.
29) I wish that I owned a piano now.
30) Whenever I play a game that involves a stack of cards, I am constantly straightening the piles.
31) I never leave the toilet seat up.
32) I mainly use my pointer and middle fingers to type. I only use my thumbs for the space bar and my pinkies for shift and delete. My ring fingers are sadly useless.
33) I can still type without having to look at the keyboard.
34) My favorite car is a Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4. I know that's weird.
35) I rarely have dreams that I remember.
36) It is a constant struggle to keep my car clean.
37) I carry my stress in my legs. They will bounce a lot during the day, depending on what is going on.
38) I met David Stern at a Jazz game last season.
39) I met Terrell Owens on our plane ride to Hawaii last month.
40) My son, Logan, looks just like me. (Except for his eyes...he got his Mama's eyes.)
41) I was once King of Disneyland for a day.
42) I enjoy singing in the car.
43) My favorite game of all time is Settlers of Catan. A good friend of mine even made me a customized board for it, that requires a special carrying case. It is the coolest.
44) I love to talk to people I don't know, but I hate calling a stranger on the phone.
45) When I was five years old I held all of the records on the video games in our house.
46) I used to sing professionally. (Thank you Sunshine Generation!)
47) If I could eat as much of anything that I could handle, I would want a huge bowl of shrimp with cocktail sauce.
48) I can beat the original Super Mario Brothers in less than eight minutes.
49) I get hot a lot and I sweat a lot when I am hot. (That could be a Dr. Seuss book.)
50) I can sing a song that contains every country in the world. (At least it used to be all of them. There are some new ones now.)
51) I love watching The Office.
52) I am really irritated by slow people in the passing lane.
53) I have been to Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, Fiji, Jamaica, The Cayman Islands and Canada...and the U.S.A.
54)I could sing before I could talk.
55) My first word was Pooh, as in Winnie the Pooh.
56) If someone has nose hairs coming out of their nose, I have a hard time focusing on anything else.
57) I used to wear glasses, but I got Lasik. I highly recommend it.
58) I love love love love love being a dad.
59) I pluck all the hairs off my first knuckle on each finger. My wife thinks I have issues.
60) One of my dreams is to see the Jazz play in every arena in the NBA.
61)I got my first par in golf last month. I can't wait to give it another shot.
62) I am a connoisseur of gum.
63) I know the longest palindrome there is... gohangasalamiimalasagnahog.
64) I was Senior Class President of the class of 2000 at Alta High School.
65) I was the second sophomore madrigal singer in the history of Alta High School.
66) I have a difficult time remembering the names of people and places.
67) I always burn one side of a grilled cheese sandwich, no matter how hard I try to cook it just right.
68) I can't cook anything particularly well.
69) I admire my wife and her ability to be a "one hundred percenter" no matter what she is doing.
70) We have not missed one episode of the office or American Idol since we began watching them two years ago.
71) I love that whenever Logan sees me or my wife, he gets a huge smile on his face. He is always happy to see us.
72) I can't wait until Logan is old enough to play basketball, so that I can be his coach.
73) I almost always suck on candy, no matter what kind it is.
74) I am allergic to watermelon, canelope and honeydew. I still eat it though, it hasn't killed me yet.
75) I think that my wife looks hot in hats, but she hardly ever wears them.
76) If I don't have my iPod with me, I listen to sports talk radio in my car.
77) I drive a natural gas car, but it is purely for financial reasons.
78) I like wearing clothes that are all the same color. Sometimes, the brighter the better.
79) I used to clog and ballroom dance when I was younger.
80) I am learning how to not be afraid of confrontations. I know that they are necessary to getting things done, when there is a problem.
81) My first memory is going to the hospital, when my little sister was born. I was two years old.
82) April is my favorite month of the year. It is just cool enough, and I love knowing that winter is behind us and far away.
83) I am lucky. I have won VIP Jazz tickets, a $500 shopping spree, a big screen T.V., and I usually get a close parking spot to wherever I am going. The luckiest thing I have received though is that Lisa agreed to marry me.
84) I can relate with Michael Scott in more ways than one.
85) I hate letting people down.
86) I always take out the garbage.
87) I don't change my clothes when I get home from work. I just stay in them until it is time to get ready for bed.
88) I feel like I could try out for American Idol and at least make it to Hollywood.
89) I have a goal to lose 20 pounds this year. I need to weigh myself to see how I am doing.
90) I have worked at seven different places in the last four and a half years. I have never been fired, and have worked at my current job for almost 2 and a half years.
91) I have perfect pitch.
92) I can catch food in my mouth, whether I throw it or someone else does.
93) I am good at maximizing space when I am packing.
94) When I was little, I thought that an alligator would come out of the toilet and get me when the swirl hit the bottom of the bowl.
95) I think Spongebob Squarepants is cool.
96) Sometimes, my feet get hot at night.
97) My favorite place to eat is Wingers
98) My mom would sometimes let me pick something from the grocery store for myself and I would pick a can of olives. I loved olives.
99)My favorite number is 12.
100) Sometimes I don't finish what I start, but I finished this.